Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Life and Times

Hello again everyone! I have been a very busy boy, and been ignoring my blog for quite some time now! *slaps on the hand* But Now I AM BACK! I know I said that last post.. but now I am in a position that I think I need to start sharing again before I go insane!

Since the last time I had posted things have changed up quite a bit! I am no longer working at the Homeless shelter, it turns out that a Christian shelter is no place for a fag... At least that is what I was told my numerous co workers... But you know, life has a funny way of doing things! As all the issues were coming up at work (being told all gay people were molested as children and enjoyed it, and that I was living a life of sin with everything I did) a position became available at a local GLBTQ centre I was volunteering for! I applied and am now running the Centre! Its amazing! I work with so many different people and I am learning so much! The whole alphabet soup thing with the GLBTTTIQQA, I have meetings just like everyone else, but mine are with Royalty! Drag Queens and Kings,and learning how to be a man from all the bull dyke's!

All I have to say is thank god they are around, I had to build something the other day!

Im thinking it might be fun to blog all the interesting things that happen to me at work! Watch out for another day in the Life!

1 comment:

Natalie Devoe said...

I love butch lesbians. They're what today's heterosexual boys would be if their souls hadn't been castrated by the women's movement.

By the way, I dig your new layout!