Monday, October 6, 2008

To Go or Not to Go

Thanksgiving... What a wonderful time of year! The time spent with Friends,and Family! Its a hoot! Well, most people say it is, I think im in a different place about it. This year, it was the decision, am I thankful enough to shell out $150 to hop a bus for 3 hours, tell my family Im not thankful for them, eat almost nothing because its going to be way too high in fat for my diet, and then come home? I was thinking of ways to make it better, like spending time with my boyfriend, but no.. he has to spend time with his family and Im not invited! GUESS WHY! He isnt out... Oh how fun for me! So much for having the dreaded in laws! I would rather be thankful for sitting home alone with a bottle of wine and a few good movies..

1 comment:

Chandra said...

I understand totally... My family lives here and I doubt I will be hanging with them.... In order to catch up.. you will have LOTS of reading to do in my journal!
Happy reading...oh and bring it on, I love to read comments from lovely friends of lojo :)