Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well, I just moved to the Big City! E-town has a new addition to its wonderful community!

I call it a wonderful City/Community but is it really?! I know things are going to be different than in a small town, but does that mean all humanity has to lose its kindness for one another!? Being New, I don't exactly know my way around, and the other day I was on my way home when I realized I don't know where home is! I had managed to get myself lost in suburbia hell and had no idea where to go! So I did what anyone would do.... Look for a non scary looking person and ask for help! Well.... this sweet little old lady was walking her dog down the sidewalk so I politely asked her if she could please help me find out where I was and where I had to go, (not in those terms so I didn't come across as a crazy) Well, just as I got the first oh Id say 3 words out of my mouth the woman tells me I need to keep on walking! In a firm tone..... "KEEP ON WALKING" Like WTF?! Oh well... I guess Ill learn to be a cold hard B***h eventually!

1 comment:

Natalie Devoe said...

I'll teach you to be cold and bitter.
[I believe we've had this conversation before].

That elderly edmonton lady sounds hardcore. She probably listens to devil music, like I do.

Regardless, unfriendly big city folk confuse me.