Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween!

OMFG!! Ok so lastnight.. my room mates and I went to this bar downtown.. and it was a hetero country bar! I thought ok... I got kicked out of a regular bar, for wearing regular clothes... how is this bar going to be with me wearing my extreemly sexy army outfit?! Anyways, I ot over it and went.. when we got to this place I must say it was horrid! How in the hell do you dance to slow country music!? After like 10 songs they decided they would start pumping out some r&b and some pop... so I was getting my groove on! Well afer about half an hour of dancing with the girls this guy came over and started to dance beside me... I thought ok, maybe he was there to pick up one of the gals, untill he put his arm around my back and told me to dance with him! WOW! So we started dancing and he began doing the whole groin rub from behind dance thing!!! haha, I look up and there is like 5 other men around us dancing! We made this Cowboy filled fruitfly swatting bar into our own little homo party! After dancing for ever! The girls and I decided to go and grab another drink.. while we were sitting there J decided she had to use the little girls room, so I took her spot and talked to A... all of a sudden I felt someone tap me on the shoulder! This guy had been watching me dance and wanted to talk to me!! HAHA!! wow! who knew wearing tight skimpy pants would be so much fun!!!!

PS: Date this Wed!!!!! BOOYAH!!!

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