Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Random funnies

I took $1 because this is funny... Who would want this to stop!

I really do Like Milk this much too!

Yummy Noodles! Hold the Dog Please... This isnt Korea

I like Kissing my B/F like this!

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I hate Winter... Not so much the snow, but the cold, and Ice does it enough to make me want to move! I am not the most graceful person out there and should be thankful I can walk on dry pavement! I have come to terms that I am going to end up breaking a limb this winter, and have found a way to make falling down entertaining for EVERYONE! Its taken some practice (believe me Ive had a lot) but I have managed to find a way to yell "IM GOING DOWN!!!!" before I hit the ground!

Yes it does make me feel better, I appreciate laughing at my own pain too!

A Time Of Reflection

I was trying to think of what all went on this year.. and what the next year may bring.. and everyone who knows me knows I dont have the best memory.. So.. I decided I would take a look at all my old Blog Posts and see what I like and dont like..

1) Boys suck and seem to be the main topic in my blog


3) I do a lot of gay things

4) Im very introverted

5) Work means more to me than Family

6) I miss all my friends

7) Im HELLA Funny!!!

Wow... 2008 in a nut shell!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Tuneage

I was talking to one of my ex's the other day and he led me to the most amazing thing in the world! OMFG!!! Feed the Animals, Girltalk!!! Its a mix of old and new, cool and oh so tacky... and it comes out as complete awesomeness!
SERIOUSLY its like eating chalk and chocolate and shitting gold! I couldn't find the CD anywhere so my "new man" found it and downloaded it for me! WOOT!!!!!

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Not Fun Part Of My Job

So I get a call the other day from the Chair of the Board telling me that from looking at the bank accounts we only have about 2 and a half months of funding left.. so I need to look into a fundraiser, or anyway we can get our hands on money... I have been on the phone for 2 hours talking to people to see how I can get some cash flowing in here, and so far it has been a dud.. How can people be so blind to see that we need help, and we are serving a community that needs the help.

Here is hoping money comes up somewhere.. or Ill be on the hunt for a new job in a couple months!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Tatty

So I got a new tattoo... Well some of it anyways.. its huge, it goes from my shoulder to just above my wrist! its tribal with Flowers all around it.. The guy that did it was suggested to me VIA a friend well, after 8 hours of work being done so far, Im not happy with it... He went too deep in parts, and its taking forever to heal. Not only that, he has gotten kinda creepy, its like he thinks we are BFFL's.. #1 NO!!!!! #2 when I was first getting it done he decided to share with me how he has always had homosexual feelings, but has never acted on it (EWWW) #3 he is gross and old...

Anyways, now I have a half tattoo done, and need to find someone to finish it...